Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of BSD, WPX, CAT, VXD, CDM, CIN, CNF, CNM, CNT

File Type:FacetWin bitwise backup set file
Category:System file
File Description:FacetWin is the all-in-one Windows to UNIX/Linux software integration solution.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


FacetWin® is the ideal connectivity solution for Windows to UNIX and Linux integration. FacetWin includes world-class terminal emulation and complete UNIX file and print services.
FacetWin brings all the resources of your UNIX systems into your Windows desktop environment. Get all of your Windows to UNIX connectivity needs in a single product at a competitive price. And, of course, FacetWin comes with our standard free evaluation program and is backed by our technical support team that has earned the reputation of being the best in the business.

  • Terminal emulation
  • Security pack option
  • File services
  • Print services
  • PC Backup and Restore
  • PC Agent
  • Graphical Administrator
File Type:Adobe printer description for Postscript printing
Category:System file
File Description:A PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file customizes the behavior of the driver for your specific PostScript printer. It contains information about the output device, including printer-resident fonts, available media sizes and orientation, optimized screen frequencies, screen angles, resolution, and color output capabilities. It’s important to select the correct PPD before you print. Selecting the PPD that corresponds to your PostScript printer or imagesetter populates the Print dialog box with the available settings for the output device. You can switch to a different one to suit your needs.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

File Type:Microsoft Security Catalog file
Category:System file
File Description:File extension used by Microsoft applications.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Microsoft Windows virtual device driver
Category:System file
File Description:Microsoft Windows virtual device driver, 32 bit. Mixed 16/32-bit Linear Executable (LE) file.

A .VXD file is a "helper" file used by one or more program (.EXE) files. You don't run .VXD files; the program it is designed to work with uses the info in the file. If you've downloaded a .VXD file and need to know what program to use it with the best source of info would be at the site where you downloaded the file to begin with.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Novell NetWare disk drivers NPA
Category:System file
File Description:File extension is used by Novell NetWare. Disk drivers.
Open Programs:

Novell NetWare

Company / developer:
  Novell, Inc.

Novell NetWare

NetWare is a network operating system developed by Novell, Inc. It initially used cooperative multitasking to run various services on a PC, and the network protocols were based on the archetypal Xerox XNS stack.
NetWare has been superseded by Open Enterprise Server (OES). The latest version of NetWare is v6.5 Support Pack 7, which is identical to OES 2, NetWare Kernel.

File Type:OS/2 change control file
Category:System file
File Description:OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  IBM Corporation


OS/2 is a computer operating system, initially created by Microsoft and IBM, then later developed by IBM exclusively. The name stands for "Operating System/2," because it was introduced as part of the same generation change release as IBM's "Personal System/2 (PS/2)" line of second-generation Personal Computers. OS/2 is no longer marketed by IBM, and IBM standard support for OS/2 was discontinued on December 31, 2006. Currently, Serenity Systems sells OS/2 under the brand name eComStation.

OS/2 was intended as a protected mode successor of PC-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Notably, basic system calls were modeled after MS-DOS calls; their names even started with "Dos" and it was possible to create "Family Mode" applications: text mode applications that could work on both systems. Because of this heritage, OS/2 is like Windows in many ways, but it also shares similarities with Unix and Xenix.

OS/2 is also remembered for being one of the first major operating system to have its own advocacy group. Team OS/2 was a grassroots, ad-hoc organization of volunteers, who promoted and supported the operating system and applications designed for it.

File Type:Microsoft Windows 95 speed dial file
Category:System file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft Windows 95 for speed dial file. Old file extension. Old operating system.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Microsoft Windows application menu options and setup file
Category:System file
File Description:File extension used by Microsoft Windows.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Windows or other system content files
Category:System file
File Description:Help file used by Windows; contains topics relevant to a certain Help document; There is a known security issue with CNT files that allows them to be exploited, causing a stack-based buffer overflow; this can be used to run malicious code;
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Microsoft Word conversion file
Category:System file
File Description:Dynamic link library .DLL for import/convert formats. Use different file extension .CNV.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Word

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Word is a powerful authoring program that gives you the ability to create and share documents by combining a comprehensive set of writing tools with the easy-to-use Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

Microsoft Office Word helps information workers create professional-looking content more quickly than ever before. With a host of tools, you can quickly construct documents from predefined parts and styles, as well as compose and publish blogs directly from within Word. Office Word the ideal choice for building integrated document management solutions.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC